Bailey W. Diffie (1987). [19] The Mascate War of 1710–1711 pitted merchants of Recife against those of nearby Olinda. 123,798 inhabitants identified as spiritists (1.41%), 43,726 as Jehovah's Witnesses (0.50%), 26,526 as Brazilian Apostolic Catholics (0.30%) and 6,678 as Eastern Orthodox(0.08%). Economic downturns were used to cut wages, children were paid almost nothing, and violence ruled. The system now has 29 stations (18 integrated with buses), plus 9 light rail stations, and is 39.5 km (24.5 mi) long. There are several common characteristics of tropical rainforest trees. Each municipality has a chief executive, analogous to mayor, called a Prefeito/Prefeita, while the legislative branch is called the Câmara Municipal. La radiación solar es la energía emitida por el Sol, la cual se propaga en todas direcciones a través del espacio mediante ondas electromagnéticas. The economy is based on agriculture (sugarcane, manioc), livestock farming and creations, as well as industry (shipbuilding, automotive, chemical, metallurgical, electronic, textile, alimentary). [46] Brazil is the second largest producer of alcohol fuel in the world, typically fermenting ethanol from sugarcane and sugar beets. However, Brazilian Indian culture was not well suited to the operation of sugar engenhos. Sugar and cotton were grown on large plantations and rural society was largely divided into landowning elites and the impoverished poor. Other shopping centers include: The Metropolitan Region of Recife has the third largest medical pool in Brazil, after São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Although there were other sources, one source that was a particular irritant to mill owners were the merchants of Recife. Its name is an allusion to the stone reefs that are present by the city's shores. Es decir, siete de cada diez adultos. A esta hora el índice de radiación solar en diversas zonas del Perú supera los valores extremadamente altos, de acuerdo a la escala establecida por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (Senamhi), se informó. Si desea cambiar su configuración o retirar el consentimiento en cualquier momento, el enlace hacerlo está en nuestra política de privacidad accesible desde nuestra página de inicio.. Administrar configuración Este febrero nuestro país afrontará un mayor índice de radiación solar, según advirtió el Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (Senamhi). The 185 municipalities that make up the state have similar structures, though they lack the judicial branch. Nro. Based on its findings, local human rights lawyers are considering a symbolic legal challenge to the State of Pernambuco, with the aim of securing compensation for the victims of attacks. Peter Eisenberg, The Sugar Industry in Pernambuco: Modernization Without Change, 1840-1910, University of California Press, ch 1. [16], The city is named for the long reef recife running parallel to the shoreline which encloses its harbour. Nosotros y nuestros socios utilizamos cookies para Almacenar o acceder a información en un dispositivo. [92], "Criança Feliz" (Happy Child) had the same objective, eliminating child exploitation, but used a different approach. Recife has a tropical monsoon climate (Am) under the Köppen climate classification, with warm to hot temperatures and high relative humidity throughout the year. será de 28 grados. Suape has started in the 21st century to be Pernambuco's motive power toward development. The city of Recife is formed by three islands (Recife, Santo Antônio, and Boa Vista). Seu valor médio é de 1366 W / m2. Las nubes solo debilitan los rayos UV en un 15%”, manifestó. Francisco Adolfo Varnhagen (1975). Este será más constante en el mes de febrero cuando el sol esté más cerca del hemisferio sur”, detalló. [22][23][24][25] Recife features a short dry season which lasts from October to December. Un ejemplo de datos procesados ​​puede ser un identificador único almacenado en una cookie. The rivers of the state include a number of small plateau streams flowing southward to the São Francisco River, and several large streams in the eastern part flowing eastward to the Atlantic. Most universities and colleges were founded in the 19th and 20th century, and some are known nationally. [53], The city is the capital of the state of Pernambuco, and hosts administrative buildings of the state governor, legislative assembly, and .ambox{border:1px solid #a2a9b1;border-left:10px solid #36c;background-color:#fbfbfb;box-sizing:border-box}.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+.ambox,.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+style+.ambox,.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+link+.ambox,.mw-parser-output,.mw-parser-output,.mw-parser-output{margin-top:-1px}html body.mediawiki .mw-parser-output .ambox.mbox-small-left{margin:4px 1em 4px 0;overflow:hidden;width:238px;border-collapse:collapse;font-size:88%;line-height:1.25em}.mw-parser-output .ambox-speedy{border-left:10px solid #b32424;background-color:#fee7e6}.mw-parser-output .ambox-delete{border-left:10px solid #b32424}.mw-parser-output .ambox-content{border-left:10px solid #f28500}.mw-parser-output .ambox-style{border-left:10px solid #fc3}.mw-parser-output .ambox-move{border-left:10px solid #9932cc}.mw-parser-output .ambox-protection{border-left:10px solid #a2a9b1}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-text{border:none;padding:0.25em 0.5em;width:100%}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-image{border:none;padding:2px 0 2px 0.5em;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-imageright{border:none;padding:2px 0.5em 2px 0;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-empty-cell{border:none;padding:0;width:1px}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-image-div{width:52px}html.client-js .mw-parser-output .mbox-text-span{margin-left:23px!important}@media(min-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .ambox{margin:0 10%}}. Zumbi who became ruler following the peace treaty and later repudiated it, fought the Portuguese government until 1694 when soldiers brought from the south eventually defeated him. Pernambuco was the site of some of the most important rebellions and insurrections in Brazilian history, especially in the 19th century. It is in this period that sharks are most active. [64] The early music bands (civilian or military) helped to give the sound the defining character that has come to be known as Frevo, a musical mass defined by the brasses. Outros elementos que atuam como filtros são o dióxido de carbono, as nuvens e o vapor d'água que às vezes o convertem em radiação difusa. Besides giving classes and training in computers, English, art, and karate, it also offered psychological services and group therapy. The cities of Recife and Olinda hold the most authentic and democratic Brazilian Carnival celebrations. The novelty awoke the interest of the people of Pernambuco, that soon adhered to the game. According to Detran-PE (Transportation State Bureau Administrator) in 2009, the city of Recife had a total fleet of over 464,000[80] motor vehicles on its streets. This aimed[88] to reduce homicides by 12% each year until they reached half of the previous rate. Os seres humanos são expostos à radiação UV, especialmente à radiação UVA e UVB, que pode ser perigosa para sua pele. Frevo conductor Guerra Peixe said once that "it is the only popular genre that does not admit the 'play-by-ear composer'. TC Televisión. This was the second time Recife has been chosen to be one of the host cities of the FIFA World Cup. Dentro da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa, existem sub-bandas com radiação: Ao cruzar a atmosfera, a radiação solar é submetida a fenômenos de reflexão, refração, absorção e difusão pelos vários gases atmosféricos em um grau variável em função da frequência. [8] The occupation was strongly resisted and the Dutch conquest was only partially successful, it was finally repelled by the Portuguese. La ciudad de Piura soportó, en la última semana, niveles extremos de radiación solar. Each time the bust in Pernambuco came when U.S. growers resumed their exports. Typical refreshments and dishes are served, including canjica and pamonha. C. R. Boxer, The Golden Age of Brazil: 1695-1750, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1962. 5 y llegar a 16, ambos son niveles súper extremos, sobre todo entre las 11 a.m. y las 4 p.m.", explicó en declaraciones a la Agencia Andina. In a 200-mile (320 km) radius from Recife are four state capitals, two international and three regional airports, five international ports, 12 million people, 51% of the research centers of the Northeast and 35% of the region's GDP. Much of their life cycle is dependent on coastal estuaries and the building of Suape is thought to have disrupted breeding and hunting habits. A parte extrema da atmosfera absorve parte da radiação, refletindo o resto diretamente no espaço sideral. Eles são absorvidos pela camada de ozônio. [37], Recife is one of Brazil's prime business centers, largely because it has one international airport and two international seaports. In addition to requiring a lot of capital investment, refining sugar in the 16th century also required a vast amount of labor. The inland region, called the sertão is high, stony, and dry, and frequently devastated by prolonged droughts (secas). Brazilwood was highly valued and other European nations, particularly the French, soon sent ships to exploit this new dye wood. At this time, it was the only city to represent the Northeast of Brazil. Jovens Comunicadores advocates and lobbies against exploitation. The Mercado de São José (Market of Saint Joseph) is an old, iron construction with a popular market nearby. 171 Urb. 171 Urb. Aprende más de la radiación solar y de los tipos de la radiación UV mediante este divertido video. Plaza Shopping Casa Forte, which was inaugurated in November 1998. Download scientific diagram | Average daily solar radiation for each month in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, during 2009, indicating the periods of the three growing cycles of the pot study. Software manufacturing is the main activity in the Porto Digital. Saint John's Day is celebrated throughout Pernambuco. The diversity continues for the breakfast as one can find cuscuz of sweet corn or manioc, yams and cassava with charque (corned beef or beef jerky), sweet potato, goiabada, fried long banana, mugunzá, regional fruits, bread, tapioca, rice pudding, porridge, yogurt, queijo coalho, corn bread, hominy and pamonha. [6] According to others, pernambuco was the name of brazilwood in local indigenous languages at the time of first contact, as the tree is found widely in the forests of the future state. The city is located amidst tropical forests which are distinguished by high rainfall levels, resulting in poor soil quality as the heavy dense rainfall washes away the nutrients. In 1715 the crown dispatched a new governor and the residents of Pernambuco finally felt the troubles were ended, though many families of the colony's elites were ruined. En la zona del altiplano y el Chaco, a causa de la escasez fluvial y dehumedad, aumentará la radiación solar. [17], Under Dutch rule, Jewish culture developed in Recife. Recife provides visitors and residents with various sport activities; the city has the largest football teams of the state of Pernambuco. The festivities traditionally begin after 12 June, on the eve of Saint Anthony's day, and last until the 29th, which is Saint Peter's day. The most populous neighborhoods of Recife in 2008 were Boa Viagem (100,388), Casa Amarela (69,134), and Várzea (64,512). A sand bank extends into the sea about a thousand meters from Recife's beaches. Senamhi: radiación solar llegará a nivel 20 en algunas regiones del Perú Además estimó que la temperatura máxima en los distritos de la zona oeste (cerca del mar) de la capital este fin de . Santa Catalina, La Victoria, Lima, Grupo El Comercio - Todos los derechos reservados. In the early 21st century, it was restored for use as a museum. Lima soportará este verano niveles de radiación ultravioleta que serán perjudiciales para la salud, pues oscilarán entre 9 y 14, considerados de riesgo “muy alto” y “extremadamente alto”, advirtió el Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (Senamhi). SENAMHI - Sede Central Jr. Cahuide 785, Jesús María - Lima Central telefónica: (01) 614 1414 Atención al ciudadano: (01) 470 2867 / (01) 998 487 805 Pronóstico del tiempo: (01) 265 8798 / (01) 996 369 766 Consultas: Horario de atención: Atención al ciudadano: De lunes a viernes de 8:30 a 17:15 Hrs. Data for . Another segment that deserves to be highlighted is mineral extraction. Estado del clíma a nivel Nacional, Estudios de hidrología, meteorología, agrometeorología y ambientales O índice UV e algumas recomendações básicas sobre fotoproteção. The majority of the state's inhabitants are Catholic; while more than 86% of the state is Christian. Among Recife's main tourist attractions are: Architectural Digest featured Rua do Bom Jesus as of the 31 most beautiful streets in the world in 2019, noting its history and the Kahal Zur Israel synagogue.[59]. There are international schools, such as the American School of Recife and the ABA Maple Bear Canadian School. The medical pool offers a total of 8,990 beds and, according to the Union of the Hospitals of Pernambuco, recorded in the year 2000 an invoicing of R$220 million (Brazilian Reals). Sugar has always been the principal example of the boom or bust cycle, but there has, from time to time been a similar cycle in cotton. a IUV é um elemento importante e diferencial na conscientização do público. Shortly after the success in dislodging the French from Pernambuco's northern border with Itamaricá the Portuguese began to settle Brazil. The many rivers, small islands and over 50 bridges found in Recife city centre characterise its geography and led to the city being called the "Brazilian Venice". The Historic Centre of Olinda, 7 kilometers (4.3 mi) north of the city, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982, and both cities' Brazilian Carnival are among the world's most famous. In 1643, three years after the Portuguese regained the crown in the metropolis, Father António Vieira – frowned upon, persecuted by the Inquisition and admirer of Aboab – recommended the King of Portugal occupy the capital of the New Christian and Jewish immigrants to help the depressed Portuguese finances[18]. Football was introduced to Pernambuco in 1902, when English and Dutch sailors disembarked in Recife and played a game of football in the beach. Recife was capital of the 17th century New Holland (Dutch Brazil) established by the Dutch West India Company and was called Mauritsstad, the city was eventually recaptured by the Portuguese in 1654, following their victories at the first and second Battle of Guararapes. In the period of October 2005 to October 2006, the industrial growth of the state was the second biggest in Brazil – 6.3%, more than double the national average in the same period (2.3%). Municipal officials also serve four year terms, with the most recent being held in 2020. The main attractions are concerts, dances, rural tourism, culinary and the relatively low temperatures for a tropical climate. [34], In 2010, the city had 268,160 opposite-sex couples and 1,004 same-sex couples. A radiação ultravioleta pode ter vários efeitos na pele humana, dependendo de sua intensidade e do comprimento de suas ondas. Urbanization: 77% (2006); Population growth: 1.2% (1991–2000); Houses: 2,348,000 (2006).[35]. Guararapes International Airport, also known as Gilberto Freyre International Airport, is the airport serving Recife. Shopping Center Recife was inaugurated in 1980 and it was subsequently surpassed by Riomar Mall, which gross leasable area is 101.000 m2, compared with 91.200m² of Shopping Recife. Festa Junina was introduced to Northeastern Brazil by the Portuguese, for whom Saint John's day (also celebrated as Midsummer Day in several European countries), on 24 June, is one of the oldest and most popular celebrations of the year. At the rectangular Pátio de São Pedro are the Cathedral São Pedro (Cathedral of Saint Peter) dating from the year 1782 and restored colonial houses, with numerous restaurants, bistros and bars. Recife (Brazilian Portuguese: [ʁeˈsifi] (listen))[4] is the fourth-largest urban area in Brazil with 4,054,866 inhabitants, the largest urban area of the North/Northeast Regions, and the capital and largest city of the state of Pernambuco in the northeast corner of South America. Senamhi advierte que radiación . La especialista comentó que las personas que presentan exceso de secreción de cebo y cuadros de acné pueden usar bloqueadores de consistencia fluida o los que dentro de su composición no . Recife has historically benefited from its central location in the Northeast region. The climate is more mild in the Borborema Plateau ("Planalto da Borborema", popularly known as "Serra das Russas" or "Russians' Range"). Pernambuco was once the 5th largest producer of sugarcane in Brazil, but today it ranks 8th, behind São Paulo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Mato Grosso and Alagoas. [4] In 2015, the state had 4.6% of the national population and produced 2.8% of the national gross domestic product (GDP).[5]. According to Abrasel (Brazilian Association of Bars & Restaurants), Recife has more than 1,700 bars and restaurants which serve regional (partially listed above), Brazilian (such as moqueca, bobó de camarão, açaí) and International dishes from all over the world, which has made it the first gastronomic centre of the Northeast[77] and the third one in the whole country after São Paulo and Rio. Recife and Olinda combined[60] have 25 museums, 38 art galleries, 2 symphony orchestra halls, 15 theatres, 1 opera house and more than 40 movie theatres. The Dutch Republic, which allowed sugar production to remain in Portuguese hands, regarded suppression of Palmares as important, but was unsuccessful in this. It's the 10th largest economy of the whole country. A Guide to the History of Brazil, 1500-1822: The literature in English.ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. Celebrations, holidays and other events are numerous throughout the year. Francis A. Dutra (1980). Another famous event is the "Noite dos Tambores Silenciosos." In the 17th century, the Netherlands was experiencing a surge of freedom and progress, and wanted to expand their colonies in the American continent. Statistics from the turn of the millennium show a sharp and continuing improvement. A energia solar que atinge a superfície da Terra é 10.000 vezes maior do que a energia consumida atualmente por toda a humanidade. During these fifteen days, there are bonfires, fireworks, and folk dancing in the streets. A radiação solar é imprescindível para a vida na Terra, inclusive atualmente nos permite produzir energia fotovoltaica, fundamental na luta contra as mudanças climáticas.No entanto, também tem efeitos negativos para o ser humano, tais como os danos que causa à pele, os quais aumentaram nos últimos anos devido ao efeito estufa que também influencia o aumento da temperatura média do . SENAMHI PERU. The two centers are: The third largest convention center in Brazil.[52]. The population of the city proper was 1,653,461 in 2020. ULTRAVIOLETA su exceso tiene un efecto adverso. Located 20 kilometres (12 miles) south of Boa Viagem Beach, where most of the attacks have occurred, the port has been the cause of much disturbance for marine life along the coast and the nearby estuaries. Ultravioleta B ou UVB: Comprimento de onda curto. Similarly, in a 500-mile (800 km) radius there are seven state capitals, five international and five regional airports, nine international seaports and two fluvial ports. In the interim, thousands of the enslaved Africans had fled to Palmares, and soon the mocambos there had grown into two significant states. [33], In 2010, the center city of Recife was the 9th most populous city in Brazil. As a radio program, it also plays regional music, giving a boost to local culture. No entanto, também tem efeitos negativos para o ser humano, tais como os danos que causa à pele, os quais aumentaram nos últimos anos devido ao efeito estufa que também influencia o aumento da temperatura média do planeta. La citada dermatóloga manifestó que si usted encuentra un lunar o mancha en la piel con forma extraña, con bordes irregulares, con un tono amarillo, rojo o negro, o si sobrepasa los seis milímetros de diámetro, debe visitar a un dermatólogo u oncólogo especializado. The original synagogue was destroyed, but a new one was built on site. Suape serves ships 365 days a year without any restrictions with regard to tidal schedules. [26], The twentieth century did bring better communication and transportation which would slowly allow development. The Campeonato Pernambucano (Pernambuco's State Championship) is divided into Taça Revolução and Taça Confederação. The state government is divided into three branches, like all Brazilian states. The state also has some nicknames, such as Lion of the North, Land of Frevo and Maracatu and Blessed Land. The beach of Porto de Galinhas, 60 kilometers (37 mi) south of the city, has been repeatedly awarded the title of best beach in Brazil and has drawn many tourists. História Geral do Brasil antes da sua separação e independência de portugal; revisão e notas de Capistrano de Abreu e Rodolf Garcia. RADIACIÓN DEL AIRE. 82-97. It was an auspicious choice for Northeast, because he was a lover of the arts with a deep interest in the New World. There is an absence of extreme temperatures and the area enjoys a cool breeze due to the trade winds from the South Atlantic Ocean to the east.[18]. Itamaracá Island has many beaches such as Coroa do Avião, Forte Orange, Quatro cantos and Pontal (. [91] It trained a group of eighteen adolescents to produce a weekly radio program focusing on child labour. In the Fort Cinco Pontes (Fort of Five Points) is the state museum, Museu do Estado de Pernambuco. Raios visíveis (VI): representam 43% da radiação e fornecem luz. Pero Lopes defeated the French, destroyed their fort and built a new fort.[14]. The four-day period before the Christian liturgical preparatory season Lent leading up to Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday is carnival time in Brazil. It is possible to ride the metro and the connected bus line by purchasing one ticket only. Além disso, é direta ou indiretamente responsável por determinadas circunstâncias cotidianas, como a fotossíntese das plantas, a manutenção de uma temperatura compatível com a vida e a formação do vento, algo essencial para a geração de energia eólica. It is dedicated to the Brazilian and state production of feature & short films; as well as videos and documentaries. [73] Many dishes come with a delicious coconut sauce, palm oil (dendê) and feature corn, manioc roots, yam, fresh seafood (shrimp, crab, lobster cooked with exotic sauces) and native fruits. Despite adverse conditions, during this cycle 13 feature films were produced in Recife (usually about drama & romance) and 7 documentary films (usually ordered by authorities to show their public works). The four-day period before Lent leading up to Ash Wednesday is carnival time in Brazil. pp. “Evítelos entre las 10:00 a.m. y 4:00 p.m., incluso cuando haya nubosidad. PDF. The passage of large vessels on the coast of Recife attracts sharks, by clearing organic waste in the waters of the sea. Football in Pernambuco began in 1902, when English and Dutch sailors landed in Recife and played a game of football on the beach. The city of Garanhuns holds an annual Winter Festival, in the month of July. Handles an average of 2.2 million tons[51] of cargo annually, and the main loads are sugar, wheat, corn, barley, malt, fertilizers, clinker and kelp. Do not enter the sea when the tide is full. Del mismo modo, precisó que los efectos perjudiciales de la sobreexposición a los rayos UV van desde quemaduras y ampollas hasta problemas graves en la piel que se presentan a largo plazo. [30] The homicide rate in Recife, still higher than the average for Brazil, declined by about 6% per annum during the period from 2000 to 2012.[31]. It employs around three thousand persons, and has 3.5% the GDP of the state. The largest airport in the North and Northeast regions, Guararapes had its capacity expanded from 5 million to 11 million passengers a year. Carnival officially starts with the Galo da Madrugada, a party in Downtown Recife where people call old Recife, that attracts many people from several states of Brazil, and other parts of the world. Pernambuco's response to the nationhood of Brazil seems to have been rebellion. It has a number of islands, rivers, waterways and bridges that crisscross the city and has often been called "The Venice of Brazil". semana, "Hacia la parte de Lima Francis A. Dutra. The oldest is the Faculdade de Direito do Recife (lit. [50] Many people from neighbouring states go to Recife for treatment, as it has the largest and best medical facilities in the North–Northeast of Brazil. The pre-Carnival parties usually consist of percussion groups practising in local clubs, city streets and squares, and even Carnival balls. Every winter, when the weather is milder, tourists from neighboring states and other parts of Pernambuco visit cities such as Garanhuns, Gravatá, Triunfo Taquaritinga do Norte and Brejo da Madre de Deus. Recife's Carnival is nationally known, attracting thousands of visitors every year. There are still many other entertainment centers spread out around the city, featuring local and national artists. [74], The typical regional main dishes include caldeirada (seafood stew with octopus cooked with various spices and coconut milk, which may be served with white beans or toasted cassava flour), feijoada Pernambucana (made with brown beans instead of black), sarapatel, buchada (goat stew), dobradinha (bean stew), roast goat, mão de vaca (cow's foot stew), Rabada (ox tail stew with manioc flour), cozido Pernambucano (beef stew), chambaril, galinha de cabidela (chicken in blood sauce), peixada Pernambucana (fish stew), macaxeira com charque (cassava with beef jerky), quiabada (okra with beef), feijão com arroz (rice and beans), and guaiamuns (giant crabs). DATOS- El Ciderm y el Ministerio de Salud realizarán gratuitamente el domingo 4 de febrero la XXIV Campaña Nacional de Educación, Prevención y Detección Temprana del Cáncer de Piel. Recife (Brazilian Portuguese: ()) is the fourth-largest urban area in Brazil with 4,054,866 inhabitants, the largest urban area of the North/Northeast Regions, and the capital and largest city of the state of Pernambuco in the northeast corner of South America.The population of the city proper was 1,653,461 in 2020. And the GDP per capita was at R$29,037. The Portuguese reconquered Recife in 1654 and Olinda regained its status of political center. The Indians may have pronounced Fernão as Pernao and reversed the order of the words, giving Pernão Boca or Pernambuka, leading to the contemporary name of Pernambuco.[7]. Pernambuco is served by many higher education institutions, concentrated in Recife. Os seres humanos são expostos à radiação UV, especialmente à radiação UVA e UVB, que pode ser perigosa para sua pele. Kahal Zur Israel Synagogue: Sinagoga Kahal Zur Israel, the historic Recife synagogue in Recife Antigo, is the oldest in the Americas, dating to 1646. The Portuguese King responded by dispatching an armada under the command of Pero Lopes de Sousa. Many events taking place during the year include: Because of its geographic location, tourism and city infrastructure, Recife's convention centers are of a high standard. Corporate buildings in Agamenon Magalhães Avenue. #saúde. Uma das maneiras que temos para medir as conseqüências negativas deste tipo de radiação sobre as pessoas é o índice solar UV global (UVI).
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